The clear plastic bag or tote also known as the PVC bag or the Lucite bag has been trending since last winter. They are very edgy and chic and can go with any outfit dressed up or dressed down. The handbags have more of a stylish perception than functionality. 'Come to think of it, we own bags so we can store our intimate items and basic necessities like keys, make-up, toiletries and personal knic-knacks in them. When a bag loses this basic function, it stimulates our thinking which is the whole essence of this trend. It is just edgy and chic and no one dare question why you have to have another bag within a bag! haha!! 😶
If you are able to afford this bag, you should be able to afford a beautiful little clutch or wallet to store your things in that you can then put in the bag 😅 Just sincerely here, (Moi...*eyes rolling*) is just reporting on the latest summer bag trends by the way and please, do not mind my sarcasm. I love the bags a lot and I hope the trend would stick around for a while. I have put some outfits together below to show how I would style these bags if I had one in a different
color. And since this blog is all about effortless styling on a budget, I would put up another post on this trend when I am able to find beautiful, affordable designs (bags) in this trend. Meanwhile, you can check them out here and here and here. What do you think of the trend?
Thanks so much for stopping by
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