I found these pictures in my folder today and I remember the day I took them; it was some time in the summer and a very hot day. For some reason, I couldn't let go of my water bottle in the first few shots and I think I actually forgot that I had it with me. I never really thought of the pictures since then and when I stumbled upon the pictures again today, I stared at the bottle of water in my hand and almost had tears in my eyes. I felt touched in my spirit knowing that somewhere, some place, some people do not even have clean fresh water to drink not to mention having a good meal to eat...

It's been a very quiet and somber week with the news of Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines almost two weeks ago. The devastation and destruction was of such high magnitude that it's so difficult to grasp. The images and interviews about it have been so hard to view and comprehend and it kind of reminds me about Job's story in the bible. The book of Job in the bible tells us about a very righteous man named Job who was so rich and influential but lost everything he had in one day. Also, he was afflicted with a great chronic illness to the extent that he cursed the day he was born. His situation can be compared to that of the families in Philippines who lost everything in one day. Where do you begin to comfort people like that when you encounter them? What do you even say to console such people who have been devastated? How much can you give to them to take them back to their original state or even make them better off than they were? Can millions of dollars bring back loved ones who died in the typhoon? "Definitely not!" However, I am not saying we should not give to such people or give them counseling. I haven't given yet but I am preparing myself to give and have started researching the best organization or group to give to. For now I think the Red-Cross is one of the best organizations out there to donate to.
Now, to give a conclusion on this matter. Job in the bible was redeemed when he refused to curse God despite his devastation and actually held unto his confession of God as the almighty. At the end, God saw how faithful Job was and blessed him so much that his misfortune was totally forgotten at the end of the day. Job 42: 15-17. So, in addition to the giving and the counseling, let's take a moment to pray for the people of Philippines. Let's pray for God's grace to abound in that country so that people would be saved and feel the peace that only God can give. The kind of peace that comes with knowing that nothing in this life really matters; family, material possession, education...etc. The only thing that counts is the state of our soul. When we have God in us, our faith and confession makes us strong in the face of calamity and provides the strength to remain standing and overcome all obstacles.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and it's a pleasure to get your opinion or thoughts.
Beauty Ojo